1st week: “When entering the
teacher asked my name and I replied: “Diogo”. All of a sudden he was teaching
the children (about 9 or 10) how to say my name. Then, like a church choir, the
whole class was chanting: Diogo! Diogo! Diogo! It was lovely and I felt
welcomed. “
2nd week: “On Thursday I felt
truly useful to the centre. After lunch I saw about 10 children running towards
me and saying “Diogo, we want to colour with you!” Uau!! As soon as I nodded a
huge smile appeared in their faces and they were thrilled to get pencils, pens,
paper etc… After colouring I taught the class how to fold a sheet of paper in
half to make a paper boat. They coloured them and when I started to put them up
in the wall with the drawings they made the smiles appeared again. I counted 25
children in the room. Since my arrival I had never seen so many!”
Final week: “The days are passing by and a week from packing, there is
an endless will to enjoy every moment and to do as much as possible… During
this week I had to write down individual files for the children just to collect
some data regarding their family structure and their progress in school. I was
shocked with the number of children that did not know even know how old they
were… Actually, many of them are not even registered. They are... no one.
Fortunately some had older brothers, cousins or neighbours who could tell us
something about them…
The major difference between a
good student here and in Europe is that the Mozambican student does not have
anyone encouraging him/her to study, to learn. All he/she achieved is due to
his/her work and a LOT of sacrifice. I have always lived in a school and family
environment in which I was rewarded and comforted while learning. When I lost
my motivation I had colleagues, teachers and parents surrounding me, giving me
incentive, and giving me the will to continue and not to give up. Here this
does not happen!
By Diogo
Sassetti, ALG (Portugal) Volunteer at CRPE in 2012https://mydonate.bt.com/events/algxmascalendar2012
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