Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Day 25 – ALG wishes you a Merry Xmas in 2018!

One more year is coming to an end. As our Christmas Calendar brought us 24 stories that marked our year, I am tasked to bring a final one.

This is the time of year for reflection and gratitude. And the more I reflect on it, the more grateful I am. What an amazing year you brought to ALG!

This was a year of growth - growth in our team, growth in our projects, growth in our amazing donor base. We continue to spread our wings and test new ideas with one thing in mind - the children. I am so proud!
  • In our Sponsoring program, we continued to raise the quality of the monthly basket and we are continuously finding ways to create opportunities and support the path of the older children as they finish school;
  • In our Education programs, the school feeding program continues to provide a daily meal to 900 children, and our preschools are giving a first start in life to 199 children. After school, 380 of our children are receiving extra tuition to help them break out the lack of study habits. We were proud to see Julio end his Uni Scholarship and get a job as an engineer that he never dreamed of before;
  • In our Poverty relief program, the HIV program, change continues to happen. We were saddened by the loss of Belide but we deepened our intervention work achieved thanks to the work of a new psychologist working at the centre with each child;
  • We did 7 family houses this year. This is a challenging implementation area, very resource intensive on the ground and we continue to provide better living conditions for our children and their families. The change you can see is just extraordinary!
  • The Technical Education area is the one where the delta was more marked. We used the space of our pre school ESC to offer sewing and cooking courses to the young mothers of the community, we partnered with the local technical education institute to provide certified courses to 80 children across 3 schools;
  • The Income Generation area is one where we continue to test new projects, ensuring we keep our motto of personalised work, identifying opportunities for a young mother or groups in the community to launch activities to help them break out of poverty, such as the new Wesley Saloon!

All this was possible thanks to the hard work of our amazing partners and local technicians on the ground, and the fabulous team of 7 we have at headquarters in Lisbon and 3 in London. The daily job is a never ending dedication to the children, to each single child and how to attend to them at any point in time that they need us. I admit it, it is sometimes operationally complicated to keep dealing with the daily ‘emergencies’ that come to us. But no-one hesitates to step up and go out of their way to be there. 

A final and most important note goes to you, our supporters. Between all the choices you could make in your daily life, you have chosen to support the ALG children. Between all the good causes you could find, you chose to help us break the cycle of poverty in the south of Mozambique.
We are grateful you are part of us. We are grateful we are together, for the children.

Thank you all, let’s cheer this year with a smile. Happy holidays wherever you are!


Monday, December 24, 2018

Day 24 – Who would know… we have athletes in Chokwé

In June we launched our SVP & SLM Academic-Sport competitions. The event started with a football match between the two Chokwé schools where ALG is present: SVP - São Vicente de Paulo vs SLM - Santa Luísa de Marillac. It was a fantastic day with a female and a male tournament. 21 children from SVP and another 21 from SLM participated. 
We discovered great talents among our girls: Leia Atalia Chivambo, Dercia Matavel and Leonilda Mavenga – all of them scored 1 goal! Among the boys Pedro Milion Cossa and Abelidade Tui stood out - both scoring 2 goals.
Considering all the fun we had, in July we launched the 2nd Edition of the Academic-Sport competitions! In this edition we had a poetry contest and a ntxuva (traditional game) competition, which requires maths’ skills.  
This time our talents were Américo and Valdo in the ntxuva game, Henriques and Cruzeiro in poetry, and Danilton and Fernando stood out in football. 
The evens were a success and children loved them! The days were filed with a spirit of inclusiveness, friendship, enthusiasm and commitment. In 2019 we hope to repeat these events!

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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Day 23 – Lively Poultry!

With our extremely underprivileged children in mind were created the Basic Basket. It is distributed every month in every community where ALG is involved, namely Sta. Luísa de Marillac, São Vicente de Paulo and Xai-Xai Communities. Chicken is the main source of protein and it is distributed along with other food items. 
Considering the reality in Gaza Province, where most people live without electricity and, thus, without fridges, we are usually asked how do they preserve the chicken?! Chicken is delivered ALIVE, and then it goes straight to the pot! According to Moms, one chicken goes a long way, and it is the source of several meals!

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Saturday, December 22, 2018

Day 22 – Celebrating PEP stores donation

PeP is a chain of clothing and convenience stores spread all over Mozambique and South Africa. Pep’s delegate in Xai-Xai became aware of ALG’s work and, considering the stocks available, he made a generous clothing donationfor children (and respective families) attending Escolinha do André, EFI and ESC, all located in Xai-Xai.The donation was handed out in June, during a beautiful event, which was attended by Pep’s Delegates from Xai-Xai and Maputo. It was an extremely happy day for the donors who witnessed the happiness of children and families receiving these items and felt how sensible it is to be closer to the community!ALG’s stronger presence in the region is promoting solidarity among local traders, and besides achieving these donations, we also wish to increase the power of negotiation to benefit children. Our aim is to foster caring, supportive and dynamic communities.

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Friday, December 21, 2018

Day 21 – We have a new study room

One of the greatest surprises and milestones of the year was the construction of the new Study Room at SLM school which cost £3.788.
Despite being in force since 2011 at the SLM school facilities, only in 2018 we were able to provide a dedicated Study Room for this project. Now sponsored children and youngsters at SLM have a fit-for-purpose support area available not only to develop their academic skills, in subjects such as Portuguese and Maths, but also to develop study methods, and to have access to awareness sessions on hygiene, health, communication, professional careers, amongst others. Besides all this, during their weekly sessions, they receive a snack!
Currently, every week our monitor, Cristóvão N., welcomes and helps 154 students, 55% of them girls, from the 1st to 12th grade.

We believe that increasing study support contributes significantly to the academic progress of children and youngsters.

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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Day 20 – Hello Mr. Engineer!

Júlio Chaúque began his path with us through UPG Portugal Sponsoring Programme. This healthy boy grew up and he’s now a dedicated young man. His study habits and enthusiasm were rewarded, and in 2014 he became an ALG University Scholarship Holder attending an Engineering and Minerals Processing degree in Tete. 4 years later Júlio successfully concluded his degree and one year later, in 2018, he got his first job! Júlio is an Engineer working as a Sampling Coordinator at the Bureau Veritas’ Processing Plant, a company which provides coal quality analysis services for the Vale-Mozambique project.
Here’s a few words from Júlio: “This has been a long-term dream of mine. Finally, it came true, but I feared it might have never happened. I actually thought it would be an impossible mission until I found myself amongst a graduating class.  In 2014, when I arrived in Tete, without adequate skills in the social-academic area, I felt an overwhelming responsibility to succeed in achieving my degree. With the help of God and ALG, this mission was successfully accomplished. I want to send my warmest greetings to my Sponsors and to all the ALG team who provided me a great help made up of little gestures.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Day 19 – Best to bend while it is a twig!

Did you know that in Mozambique, only 5% of children have access to pre-school education?
ALG family is contributing to change this extremely low indicator and jointly with its donors’ is financing 3 preschools.
Preschools are part of ALG’s intervention in the Education area and their main goal is to provide free preschool education to vulnerable children, between 3-5 years of age, guaranteeing them a nutritious daily meal, didactic and playful activities, grown-up follow-up and a safe environment for a healthy development.
We believe strengthening children’s capacities from their first years of life will have long-term impacts, contributing for better school success rates. 
Thus, in 2018 we secured improvement and renovation works for the 3 Preschools ESC, EFI and SVP which included: colourful paintings, electricity, new materials and everything that could provide a stimulating and loving environment.
In 2018 at Flor da Infância Preschool we benefited 75 students in total, of whom 59% were girls; at St. Catarina Preschool we benefited 65 students, of whom 52% were girls and at S. Vicente Paulo Preschool we benefited 59 students, of whom 71% were girls. Thus, in 2018 our Preschools helped a total number of 199 children.
At our preschools every day we sow and water the seeds for a brighter future!
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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Day 18 – Thank you ALG Volunteers

Who is Lara, Patricia, Catarina, João Garcia, Carina, João and Nuno?
These are amazing young volunteers who dedicated their effort, time and energy to help ALG.
In 2018 we had 7 volunteers on the ground, with their hearts and souls, willing to do some hard work. With their skills they joined forces with our Local Partners and Technicians in Mozambique and made a difference.
Our volunteers developed all sorts of work and initiatives which included: after class study support, promotion and encouragement of youngsters, training Local Technicians, building houses and latrines … They are crucial to strengthen and innovate our intervention. We also have to mention the volunteers that help us throughout the year, at Headquarters, and who are essential for our daily operations. Busy days, but filled of joy, ALG is doing more and better with the cooperation and generosity of volunteers.
A heartfelt thank you to you all.
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Christmas Campaign - ALG has a sock hanging on the fireplace already!

Our Christmas campaign proceeds and today we tell the story of Delcisia Massunde.
Delcisia’s mum got pregnant when she was only 14. She left her parents’ house without the stability or financial conditions that she would need to raise her child.
Delcisia’s mum went to Flor da Infância Pre-school looking for help and so Delcisia started to attend the pre-scool and as she started to have nutritious meals, she developed her intellectual and motor skills. Delcisia is now strong and full of energy!
Delcisia is a very respectful, intelligent and playful girl. She likes to play as cooks with other children and together they use empty cans to imitate pots, sticks like wooden spoons and sand as rice. Creativity and imagination are always present!
Delcisia also likes to write and therefore she likes to play as teachers. Delcisia’s dream is to become a teacher as Flor da Infância Pre-school teachers because she will be able to teach and support children like herself.

This Christmas, donate now to help us continue our work in the ALG Pre-schools. Did you know that with only £13 you are contributing to buy bread for the 75 children in EFI for 1 month? Or that with £47 you are buying bags of rice for the 59 children in SVP for 1 month? Or that with £65 you are paying the monthly salary of one of our dedicated teachers, teacher Olinda, in ESC? And without forgetting that with only £102 you are giving the chance to a child such as Delcisia to go to our EFI School and enjoy all its magic for a whole year!
Contribue to give to more children like Rute the hope for a better future (here)

Monday, December 17, 2018

Day 17 – Welcome to Wesley’s salon

ALG Sustainability- Income Generation intervention area promotes the creation and strengthening of several individual, family or community businesses with the goal of promoting local economy and entrepreneurship, while contributing for improving families’ living conditions.
Our long-term Local Technician in Chongoene, Arnaldo Mate, soon revealed a remarkable entrepreneurial spirit! First, he launched an IT Centre CTI in 2015 and, in 2018 with our support he built the Wesley’s Beauty Salon.
At the salon there is hairdressing services, manicure and even pedicure! Familiarised with the local context and economy, Arnaldo noticed the absence of these services in his community and Wesley’s Salon is already a success. Female emancipation is the secondary goal of this project, and currently it employs two women to fight the lack of employment for the female gender in the local community. Our salon’s customers are becoming even more beautiful!

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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Day 16 – PE classes with Style

This year the Mozambican Education system determined that every secondary education youngster must have a uniform for Physical Education classes.

ALG’s children were not left out and thanks to our Sponsoring Programm from our Portuguese sister-charity UPG Portugal they received a great uniform that enables them to practice sports in a more comfortable way! All we have to do now is watch them wear those nice uniforms while playing football and running relay races!

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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Day 15 – Holding hands with our donors

It is thanks to all ALG good friends that we continue to bring joy to Mozambican children. 
In 2018 ALG had several fundraising campaigns. This year’s novelty was the launch of individual Fundraising campaigns on Facebook. Several ALG friends launch their campaigns on their anniversary, or other significant dates, which resulted in donations to ALG.
It is always great to rely on the help of every ALG Partner Company and in every initiative that helped us to benefit our Mozambican children. This year our most successful sports event brought together 20 volunteers that ran 13.1 miles at the Royal Parks Half Marathon in London’s beautiful parks. The effort of our unstoppable runners guaranteed an amazing £12,581.00! This will secure, for a whole year, a daily nutritious meal for 315 children.
We would like to send a very warm and special thank you to everyone involved in this initiative, making this event a huge success.

ALG acknowledges and congratulates everyone who with Littles Gestures have been providing us such a Great Help for almost 8 years now.

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Friday, December 14, 2018

Day 14 – Rebuilding lives, brick by brick

2018 was a year full of new structures which brought a new shine to the daily life of several families. We built new homes for 7 families - 5 in Manjangue and 2 in Xai-Xai.
The construction work was a laborious period carried out jointly with our Sisters, local Technicians Hélder and Orcídio, our Local Coordinator Hilário and the contractors. Now our children and their families have a safe home and a proper latrine with adequate sanitary conditions that contribute for healthier living conditions.
If families now have a more dignified daily life it is thanks to the gestures that supported ALG in this journey. In 2018, we raised c.£.2000 for Housing programmes that enable our children to grow healthy and to foresee a brighter future.
Thank you, donors, for helping ALG building homes!  

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Christmas Campaign - ALG has a sock hanging on the fireplace already!

This year our campaign is dedicated to the little ones that study at our Escolinha Flor da Infância 
Once upon a time, there was a 5-year-old girl named Rute Tamel. Rute used to live with her parents in Maputo but when she became orphaned from both parents she moved to her grandmother house in Xai-Xai. Rute’s grandmother takes care of her alone and as an elderly lady she cannot work to earn some income to feed Rute. In this situation, Rute would spend the days without eating ... But… Rute is lucky as she is studying at our Escolinha Flor da Infância School! She gets 2 hot and nutritious meals every day of the week.  Rute is know healthier , and stands out in her classroom for her dedication and aptitude. She’s one of the bests.
For being such a brilliant girl and for her story, Rute is know qualified to receive a scholarship which includes school material and food. This is how ALG makes sure that Rute keeps on having a happy childhood and a healthy school journey.

This Christmas, donate now to help us continue our work in the ALG Pre-schools. Did you know that with only £13 you are contributing to buy bread for the 75 children in EFI for 1 month? Or that with £47 you are buying bags of rice for the 59 children in SVP for 1 month? Or that with £65 you are paying the monthly salary of one of our dedicated teachers, teacher Olinda, in ESC? And without forgetting that with only £102 you are giving the chance to a child such as Rute to go to our EFI School and enjoy all its magic for a whole year!

Contribue to give to more children like Rute the hope for a better future (here)

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Day 13 – Congrats to our Technical Courses students

In 2018, we had 4 cycles of technical and professional courses, 2 in Chokwé and 2 in Xai-Xai. In total 80 youngsters attended courses in several areas: electricity, sewing, painting, accounting, plumbing, cooking, secretarial work and woodwork.

These courses are organised jointly with Mozambican State, with official certification and recognition. In 2019 we want to develop the professional internships’ potential to follow-up the courses.
ALG Sustainability – Technical Education intervention area involves training programmes that enable underprivileged youngsters to learn a trade which increases their employability levels, financial independence and self-sustainability.
The Xai-Xai courses aimed at our Portuguese sister-charity UPG Sponsored children from the programme Growing up with ALG are a recent ALG bet. At these two stages the courses had an amazing success rate. On both cycles 100% of students succeeded with an overall average of 15!

Congratulations to the graduates!

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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Day 12 - Welcome back Edson!

Edson Agostinho Bila from São Vicente de Paulo is a Sponsored child from our Portuguese sister-charity UPG who uses a wheel chair!
In June he broke his leg and was prevented from moving for a few months! We were heart-broken. Due to increasing difficulties Edson has had a strong follow-up because we want to make sure that, despite all the difficulties felt, he will achieve his goals!
In October we received the GOOD NEWS that “our” Edson returned to School!
Throughout the 2nd semester many colleagues, Local Technician Mano Jaime and Local Coordinator Hilário Langa visited Edson and kept him up-to speed with the 5th grade subjects. In the meantime, Edson recovered and now he moved on to the 6th grade! Everything is possible with will power.
Edson is an example for his colleagues and friends, and also for all of us!

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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Day 11 – ALG Moms back in the classroom

After concluded the construction work at ESC - Escolinha de Santa Catarina, the ALG Community Courses were launched! 
In 2018 ALG started a new project at ESC’s facilities in Xai-Xai – the Community Centre.
Having the Community Development and Female Emancipation at heart, the main goal of this initiative is to fight the poverty cycle through technical courses with the duration of 4 months. In 2018, we provided training in the areas of Baking and Sewing, which enables the community members to learn new skills with demand at local economy level.   
The underprivileged community parents, in Chongoene and surrounding areas, now have the possibility of making their own products, such as birthday cakes or clothing items, and to sell them, hence creating a source of income. 
At ALG we believe that building skills through education is the key to sustainability, dignity and to create more independent communities.
The experimental phase included: the community’s mobilisation; setting-up goals; the development of an operational plan; the purchase of materials, equipment and payment for the monitors. The project’s start-up had a total cost of £2845 which included the costs of sewing machines, cake tins, the first ESC stove and the trainer’s income. With the essential work and dedication of our Local Partners and Technicians, the courses began in less than two months, with a total of 31 students.
We are now at the final stage and the products made by the community Parents are becoming more and more professional. The number of orders is increasing, and the birthday cakes are a huge success in the community! 

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Monday, December 10, 2018

Day 10 – Getting to Work at S. Catarina Pre-school

In 2018 , our St. Catarina pre-school, in Chongoene, had loads of positive energy.  By getting to work and with over £2´500 raised within the ALG family, we managed to provide a more comfortable and safer space for our tiny children to grow up. We installed new windows and doors, we decorated the walls with colourful drawings, and the4t! school had power installed for the first time … what a difference it makes!

It was a laborious and eventful period regarding the choice of materials, elaborating budgets and gathering labour. But, in the end, it all turned out perfectly! It would not be possible without the help of our Local Partner and our incredible Local Technician, Teacher Cremilde, who was relentless and 100% dedicated to ALG.

We also relied upon the precious help of paint company CIN Mozambique which enabled us to produce such colourful and diverse drawings with paints at a very special and friendly price.

Our ESC pre-school is looking brand new and bursting with good vibes – it is a huge success! 

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Sunday, December 9, 2018

Day 9 – A new member in the SVP Study Room

Pedro Arão has been with ALG for 6 years. He’s successfully progressing with his Human Resources Management course since 2017 as an ALG University Scholarship Holder.
This August we were filled with pride when Pedro became an ALG volunteer! To show his gratitude for the support provided, Pedro is assisting our After-class Study Support programme as an After-Class Study Room monitor at S. Vicente Paulo school. This project welcomes on a weekly basis 225 students, from year 2 to year 12,  who receive academic support on rotational basis. Besides helping with Maths, Portuguese or Science, ALG also provides a lunch when children attend the class as well as and career guidance. 
Pedro is loving the experience and shared his feelings with us: “I’m so thankful for this opportunity, I hope you are also happy with my performance in carrying out an activity which is so dear to me. Besides being proud of all the children, I also learn from their experiences.”

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Saturday, December 8, 2018

Day 8 – Soaps in SLM made by our Sisters

Our Local Partners in Chokwe are the Vicentine Sisters Daughters of Charity, both in the SLM and SVP schools. These Sisters are entrepreneurial, with an admirable skill to CREATE. For the Basic Baskets distributed every month to the 156 children sponsored in SLM by our Portuguese sister-charity, soap is part of the baskets and has several uses (to do the laundry, the dishes and personal hygiene).
The Sisters in Santa Luisa de Marillac had the great idea of learning how to produce soap and in the process creating jobs for several local moms in the community. Instead of buying to other suppliers the Sisters are now making artisanal soap themselves!
In 2019 the purpose of this initiative is to increase production in order to include these artisanal soaps also in the basic basket of the neighbouring school at São Vicente de Paulo, a total of 228 baskets each month!

ALG supported this initiative enthusiastically within the spirit of income generation and female entrepreneurship it is a great idea!

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Friday, December 7, 2018

Day 7 – Special Care for Children at the Day Centre

Throughout the year ALG has welcomed a new staff member – please meet Ácio our Psychologist! Ácio is a young Mozambican who, after a month of volunteer work in our Santa Luisa Marillac school, joined the SLM HIV Day Centre in September for a period of 3 months. Ácio continued his exceptional work with the children at the HIV Day Centre – a centre that secures medical care, meals and follow up to school attendance & academics for HIV infected children.
Ácio organised not only group sessions with the 34 children at the Day Centre, but also individual sessions aimed at the 4 children who displayed a clinical framework than was frailer than average.
ALG has been witnessing the professional evolution of our Local Technicians and the positive outcome of team work. Mano Orcídio, our Local Technician for almost 4 years at SLM, and an ALG University scholarship holder, welcomed Ácio. For Orcídio, who accumulates several roles in what is ALG’s biggest single intervention programme – the SLM school offers Sponsoring, School Feeding, HIV Centre, After Class Study Support, and the ocasional build of family huts or other small infrastructure ... – Ácio’s extra help was a wonderful surprise! Here’s what Orcídio said about his mate Ácio...

"To be honest on his first day in Manjangue I doubted his skills. Thankfully, he was much better than I anticipated, he’s willing to work, he has lots of creativity and self-esteem. Working with children from a different community is not easy, but he’s able to deal with everyone and, in fact, children love Mano Ácio. It is very rare to find a young man with this type of behaviour. He puts into practice what he learned at school, revealing that what really matters to him is knowledge and not only having a diploma. Mano Orcídio Edú”

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Thursday, December 6, 2018

Day 6 – Presents Creating Smiles

Over the years we decided to ask our generous sponsors not to post packages with presents to our local operations, as they often take too long to arrive but mostly because many times they don’t arrive at all. Another reason we try to avoid packaging is due to the high cost of collecting the parcel at the local post offices.

As a solution we have created a BIRTHDAY FUND to our children. This fund varies according to the years, but it always includes a few useful articles for the children: in the past it included a backpack, school material or a mat. This package is locally prepared to be delivered to the child and, besides creating smiles, it is another way of encouraging the local economy. We always send the donors a picture of the children with their gifts. 
If the donors wish to give a more personal gift, we have the EXTRA SPONSORING option: each child sponsor transfers the desired amount for the intended present, and the ALG Local Technician and the child’s family then visit the local shops and buy the present they need and like: Happy times! This event is documented with pictures that are shared with the donor in question.

These two possibilities are reaching out more children every year. At our Charity we believe this is the best alternative for our numerous generous donors who wish to celebrate our children´s special occasions with joy!

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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Day 5 – Charity in Style for everyone!

The MZ Line by ALG is a charitable handcrafted cool line! It has several accessories with diverse and colourful typical Mozambican patterns, applied to bracelets, straw bags, clutches, pillows, beach towels, etc.  All the straw articles are hand-made in Mozambique, by basketry masters from Inhambane. The bracelets are made by our very talented Custódia, a young hard working and underprivileged Mozambican girl. Since day one Custódia sources locally for ALG the straw articles and the wonderful and colourful capulanas (traditional patterned cloth) which we include in all of our articles. 
This year we continued making a statement with this charitable line through our online store in Facebook and more recently through a partnership with The Fair Bazaar. Isn’t it amazing to be fashionable and help at the same time?

Check out all our articles here, just in time for Xmas!

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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Day 4 – Fresh water for 900 little ones

This year the largest individual ALG project – SLM School Feeding - ensured that on a daily basis more than 900 tummies were full and not thirsty! Our large SLM School Feeding program provides a daily meal for the 908 students from Year 1 to Year 7 currently enrolled in the St. Luísa Marillac School (“SLM”), village of Manjangue, which is 20 km from Chokwé city.
The free school meals have as key goals to incentivise school attendance, to improve child academic performance as well as to nurture their cognitive and motor development. In 2018, the project cost ALG c.£24.000 of full year financing. Together with the Vicentine Ssters our Local Partners in the school, we approved exciting upgrades that make a difference in the daily lives of our children. This year we acquired our first freezer to keep the menu produce fresh , a gigantic kitchen table to prepare hundreds of daily meals, but… the nicest upgrade was the colorfoul new jars and water glasses that allow the 900 children to have access to drinkable water at lunch time!
This water comes from the Sisters’ fresh water polytank that also benefited from some much-needed maintenance works late this year in order to guarantee better health& safety conditions.
In 2018, lunch time started to be calmer as organised canteen queues started to be implemented better manage the entry and sitting-down periods. Besides the collaboration on the school teachers side, our volunteers on the ground had a fundamental role in the implementation of a more organized system to serve meals to such a large crowd of hungry children.  
With the collaboration of everyone and with team work, the SLM School Feeding programme ends 2018 with happier, more dignified and more complete lunches  – with full plates and glasses!

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Monday, December 3, 2018

Day 3 – Need an Electrician? Talk to ALG!

This April we revealed a new success case with Nelson Venâncio Mathe, one of the children under our intervention in the Chokwé region. For 4 months Nelson attended an Electricity Technical Course, sponsored by ALG at the SPV school facilities and certified by the Mozambique state. 
Enthusiastic and dedicated, Nelson has started to provide basic energy installation services in several homes. As a beginner he charges an average of 500-1800mt (c.£6.5 - £23) per job. Alongside these services of energy installation, Nelson is also able to repair several small household appliances. And he also continues to study, currently attending Year 9.
Nelson is very happy – and so are we – as with the skills provided by this technical course he has been able to help his mother increase the family income with his small contribution. On several occasions Nelson has teamed up with Elídio Sitoe (another ALG child who successfully enrolled at these courses) and together they have been repairing irons and kettles in their neighbourhoods.
Congratulations Nelson and Elídio, we are very proud of you!!

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