Friday, December 26, 2014

Day 25. This year with YOUR help we supported 2’852 people. THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!

In December 2014, 877 children are supported directly through UPG Portugal Sponsoring Programme. Each child is allocated to a sponsor and is guaranteed access to school a basic basket or lunch, depending on the project. Besides de material goods, the children feel cherished and important, because many miles away someone is thinking about them and transforming their lives every month by securing their meals.

In parallel with the Sponsoring Programme, the Projects area complement and extends the solidary intervention of Sponsoring, supporting directly 1’975 beneficiaries in 2014. This area has grown immensely the launch of A Little Gesture UK, founded in 2011. Alongside the immediate relief to poverty secured by the Sponsoring programme, we believe it is important to provide the right “tools” to break the cycle of poverty, to develop local community competences and to allow families and children to live in better conditions.

In 2014 our dream of supporting an HIV Day Care Centre in SLM came true. The Centre, with customized meals and medical support for up to 50 children, already has 23 registered children in 2014. Our Elderly Fund offers 11 elders a monthly Basic Basket with food, providing care and attention to people who have been around for quite a while and now are alone in the world.

In the Education area we supported two Pre-Schools with 167 children between 3-5 years old, and After-Classes support for 306 youngsters willing to study. We helped 12 young University Scholarship Holders to fulfil their dream of higher education and 119 moms to learn how to read and write their name in the ALG Literacy Courses. We financed an ambitious programme of School Meals for 802 children at the dynamic school of SLM.

In the area of Infrastructures, we built 4 huts, a latrine and a kitchen, with the support of private donors, benefiting 20 people.

In the Sustainability area the Income generation programme supports two projects – Brick Production and Community IT Centre – which were created by two ALG local Technicians. These projects are aimed not only to generate income, but also to provide services and support to the community. We also support the Income Generation activities for 12 Mums helping them in their small scale businesses. We also continue the investment in Technical Education in SLM, where around 500 youngsters develop technical skills and learn trades such as candle and soap production, arts and crafts or agriculture techniques.

ALG grows day by day. We have more and more Friends and Sponsors who reach us by word of mouth; companies who welcome us through their employees, several contacts through the social media. In 2014, on our two Facebook pages alone we reached over 22 thousand friends who support and spread the word for our cause. But we want more, a lot more. Each new ALG friend brings a potential sponsor, a campaign, and love to another underprivileged child in Mozambique. 

Thank you to all of you who help us making ALG dream of changing the lives of children, families, youngsters and elderly, come true!


ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£!
Donate here

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day 24. Welcome to our ALG Family!

Our supporters come in all shapes in forms. From the London-based professional who races on ice at the Vikingarannet to raise funds for orphans, soccer legend Luis Figo who sponsors 3 kids, built their family hut and equipped their village with wheelbarrows and our youngest UK ambassador who knocked on shop doors to sell this Xmas calendar.  Our family continues to grow! This year in Portugal a premiership football club Estoril Praia decided to sponsor the lovely Cleusia, spreading the word on our charitable work their a wide fan base.

The Sponsorship programme was the backbone of our Charity when it started a decade ago in Portugal. The programme allocates a specific sponsor to each selected child securing their access to school and meals, at school or at home, through the monthly Basic Basket. Besides the material goods, the Sponsoring provides care and attention through letters, little gifts and occasional communication to extremely deprived children. It aims to initiates a long term relationship between the sponsors and the children and is run by UPG Portugal given the common bond that is the Portuguese language in Portugal and Mozambique.

The Sponsoring is massively underpinned by the Projects, launched tentatively some 7 years ago and now a fully-fledged part of our charitable work. Co-financed between UPG Portugal and ALG UK, the Projects area finances initiatives in poverty relief, infrastructure, education and sustainability. They are focused around the sponsored child and seek to invest in development and lift their whole community out of poverty.

Come and join our work, sponsoring a child or your own ALG project – welcome to our family!

ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£!
Donate here

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Day 23. The irresistible smile of Dominguitos!

Dominguitos is a special child who hasn’t had an easy life. Due to his serious mobility issues he cannot go to school or go out. He is an orphan and was raised by his stepmother, Argentina, who everybody thought to be his mother due to the love and care devoted to him.

Up to 2010 Domingos attended André’s pre-school and his joy and tenderness reached everyone around him. He was carried on a wheelbarrow or on the back of his colleagues, but now he’s grown and, unfortunately, they cannot carry him anymore because he’s too heavy. Currently Dominguitos does not go to school but he’s still supported by the UPG Portugal Sponsoring programme.

Despite all the adversities, it is impossible not to smile when we see Dominguitos’ growth and happiness. His smile continues to be beautiful and contagious, every single. Let’s keep following Dominguito’s evolution and hope to provide him a happier life!

ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£!
Donate here

Monday, December 22, 2014

Day 22. ALG After-Classes against school dropouts!

At Santa Luísa de Marillac and S. Vicente de Paulo schools, the ALG After-Classes Support Centres are development spaces where poorer children can develop and strengthen their learning skills. ALG finances after-class support to promote study habits and interest in education on the more underprivileged children of these schools, children that usually are already under UPG Portugal’s sponsored programme. This project selects younger and vulnerable children to improve their school performance, to feel incentivised and to avoid abandoning school at an early stage.

“We feel some children participate more frequently in the class room, acquired reading habits and express themselves in the Portuguese [official, non-dialect] language. We are happy to know that many are showing signs of progress and will have good final grades.” These are words of our local technician Sister Aida in S. Vicente de Paulo which make us happy to know that the after-classes study support is bearing fruits.

At the two schools, SLM and SVP, a total of 306 attend the after-class support. From £9/month, per child, we secure daily adequate school support, focusing on subjects like Mathematics and Portuguese with the help of a monitor, e even provide an afternoon snack which is essential to stimulate the students assiduity. 

ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£!
Donate here

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Day 21. Thank you ALG Ambassadors & Volunteers!

In 2014 ALG was honoured that a very special group of ALG Friends, where repeated dedication, historic bonds with our UK or Portuguese sister-charities and a generous concern for our cause accepted the invitation to be official ALG Ambassador.
We welcome ALG Ambassadors Ana Marta, Filipa, Frederico, Joe, Kristina, Madalena, Madelyn, Manuel, Monica, Miguel and Sofia, and thank them for their dedication to our children!
The permanent team at ALG Headquarters is composed of 3 acting Trustees – Joana, Patricia and the Founder Sara - and Board Adviser João. We are constantly in dialogue with our six Local Partners and our newly appointed Local Coordinator in Mozambique Hilario Langa.

Our intervention could not be pursued without the tireless work of several ALG Volunteers who dedicate time and resources to help us grow – in London but also Portugal, Brazil and elsewhere. This great team includes our Founding Trustee Margarida and Piedade, Noelia, Pedro, Cris, Fabiola, Paula, Rita C, Manu, Seth, Jessy, Bruno, Patrick, Bernardo, Diana, Ana C, Rita C, Madalena and many others.

Your Little Gesture is priceless every day.

ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£!

Donate here

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Day 20. A Brave Decision towards Filipe’s future!

Filipe is 15 years old. When his parents died he was welcomed by his uncle who made a great decision: he went to the Escolinha do André, a subsidised pre-school in Xai-Xai and bravely asked for Filipe to attend this school so he could learn how to read and write, and continue his studies. At this school, our sister charity UPG Portugal already sponsors 216 children through the Sponsoring programme, financing meals, education (enrolment fees and uniforms – compulsory in Mozambique) and basic health care every year.
Filipe is a hardworking student and he likes to draw. His dream is to go to University! He has a stellar behaviour and because he is in 1st grade with little children, he helps the teacher during classes.
Examples of hard work and dedication from the children’s side like this keep us going at ALG. These help us believe that access to education and daily meals, in a healthy and dignified environment, allows youngsters and children to reduce school drop-out rates and to break the poverty cycle.
This is ALG’s mission. Help us grow.

ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£! 
Donate here

Friday, December 19, 2014

Day 19. A big step in 2014: The New HIV Day Care Centre

The SLM HIV Day Care was inaugurated this year, at the SLM - Santa Luisa de Marillac School in Manjangue. ALG has been developing an extensive community support programme in SLM since 2011. The new centre offers a fully customized programme to HIV/AIDS infected children, during the day, securing their adequate nutrition and, constant medical assistance. The project aims to relief local poverty and provide a dignified and healthier childhood to seriously ill children. With a capacity for 50 children, it opened with 23 children on its launching year.
The facilities are located in the surroundings of the SLM School, an underprivileged community where our sister-charity UPG Portugal already sponsors 123 of the poorest children. In parallel to the Sponsorship programme, ALG also finances Projects in SLM such as School Meals, After-classes Support, University Scholarships and Family Huts.
This is ALG’s most recent project and for a total budgeted cost of £24’300 (£41 per child a month) in 2014, it requires full dedication to secure an adequate multi-annual financing. Bring this project to the attention of the social responsibility area of your company or spread the word among your most generous friends!
Contact us for more details!
ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£!
Donate here

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Day 18. Your 20p/day feed a child!

The SLM School Meals programme was launched in 2013 with excellent results of school attendance rates and results. In 2014 it is going forward with a full year programme! With an annual cost of £41’312 it relieves local poverty in Manjangue and provides education for extremely underprivileged children. For a monthly cost of £5/child, the school population of 802 students in SLM has a daily breakfast and a hot nutritious lunch, often their only full meal during the day.

ALG School Meals improve school attendance through the incentive of the free meal and increases school results by reducing hunger during classes. It also promotes gender equality, preventing girls from missing school to cook at home. Meals are served at SLM school where UPG Portugal already sponsors 123 extremely underprivileged children under Sister Lídia’s supervision.Support School Meals initiative in SLM – give a Great Help to Mozambique! Contact us for more details.

ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£!
Donate here

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Day 17. Arnaldo’s plan to teach IT & self-sufficiency!

Arnaldo, our ALG local technician in Chongoene, is an entrepreneurial young man with 21 years of age. He has an aptitude and passion for information technology since he attended an IT course in that community, supported by ALG, a couple of years ago. With his dynamic and entrepreneurial spirit he presented us a project for an IT Community Centre - a brand new initiative that fits well into our Charity’s Income Generation area.

The Community IT Centre will fill a local gap in access to technical and vocational training. It will allow young people in the community of Chongoene to invest in their future through IT technical training for a small fee. The project will benefit the families in the community by improving the skills of their less privileged young members and increasing their employability in the local labour market. In the long-term it will enable the reduction of the unemployment rate and the increase in average income and the quality of life.

The centre will also function as a micro commerce hub selling IT consumables, stationary and other office supplies (toners, printing services, document scanning, etc.), services that are severely lacking in the area.The Community IT Centre has a implementation budget of £4’620 (construction of an infrastructure and equipment materials), an amount already reduced by Arnaldo’s self-financing of £246 With his entrepreneurial and solidary spirit, Arnaldo foresees the Centre to be self-sufficient after two years. He proposed ALG a return on the donation, free of interest or additional costs, 24 months after implementation, corresponding to monthly instalments of £153.

This project will be fully financed by ALG with the support of private donors, companies or crowdfunding. Our sister-charity UPG Portugal already secured partial funding by local authority Camara Municipal de Cascais (the Cascais City Council). The courses will start early in the year soon after the infrastructure works are concluded. In November there was already a huge development in the construction work.ALG is proud of all our historical beneficiaries who give back, reach out to the community and fight to eradicate poverty. Help us to create sustainability for underprivileged communities.Support ALG Income Generation activities – Community IT Centre – give a Great Help to Mozambique! Contact us for more details.

ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£!
Donate here

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 16. Bringing a smile back to 3 lovely brothers!

In September last year Sister Lídia, our Local Partner in the St. Luísa de Marillac school, told us the sad story of these three orphan siblings. Their father died in 2002, in South Africa, and they were living with their mother who, unfortunately, also died in July 2013, leaving them on their own.
Our charity was not indifferent to this situation and immediately welcomed them to the school’s sponsored children community. The two younger brothers, Abilidade and Alberto, were already receiving daily meals under the SLM School Feeding programme financed by ALG. Their sister Gilda in 7th grade attended a school for older students close by. Now the brothers were also enrolled in the Sponsorship programme run by UPG Portugal in SLM and a notice for new sponsors was sent out. And soon enough the two brothers were sponsored! This means with c£150/year (per child) children like Abilidade and Alberto have access to school uniforms and expenses, a monthly Basic Basket to help feed the family and to the love and care (which they need so much) of their sponsors.
In UPG Portugal,  we help to put a smile on the faces of children like Gilda, Abilidade and Alberto and to give them back some of the happiness stolen by unexpected and unfortunate life events. In ALG UK, we finance projects to raise these sponsored children from poverty – in education, infrastructures and poverty relief.

This Christmas give a different present to a member of your family or to a friend by Sponsoring a child or a project with ALG! Make your Little Gesture count!
ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£!
Donate here

Monday, December 15, 2014

Day 15. ALG can visit your School!

The UPG Portugal Fund Raising team visited the Parque pre-school in Cascais to introduce the stories of our Mozambican children to other fantastic and super-curious kids.
Within the scope of the Social Competencies subject the 4th year Class they launched a campaign called A Little Bottle for UPG and created this blog for parents to follow this initiative. 
They choose to support our charity throughout the year, this Saturday they hosted a fantastic Christmas party for all the school raising found with games and bake sales in support of our children in Mozambique. They are all excited to support the UPG! They are all very excited for supporting Mozambican children!
Do you wish to bring ALG to your School? Raise the social awareness of your students and promote the solidarity spirit within your school. Contact us now!

ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£!
Donate here

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Day 14. RPHM: What makes Manuel run again in 2015?

In October, Manuel participated for the 2nd time in the famous RPHM - Royal Parks Half Marathon – to support ALG. And he loved it!
“ALG does a great job at the Royal Parks Half Marathon every year, bringing first time and expert runners together to form a nice group.  It starts with a warm welcome as you arrive at their well organised base, continues with their encouraging screams of support as you run around, and ends with their attentive care as you return to base (including a great relieving recovery massage).  
And whilst we are all having fun, pushing ourselves to the limit to beat our personal best times, it feels good to know that in the meantime we are sponsoring a worthy cause supporting underprivileged children in Mozambique; managed by a super dedicated ALG team of nice people; that ensure a super-efficient system where 95p for every £1 donated goes to the children”. 

Manuel’s enthusiasm for our work was such that he is currently one of our first ALG Ambassadors!
With the 2014 RPHM we raised £15’550, which will be invested in our School meals Programme, at the SLM Pre-school, and in the HIV Day Care Centre.
Congratulations 2014 RPHM team!

ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£!
Donate here

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Day 13. The Flowers Scholarship celebrates tiny tots

On the 25th of July of 2014 the Flowers Scholarship was awarded at Flor da Infância Pre-school (EFI). It is a proud and joyful moment when this annual merit scholarship, sponsored by Ribacapital, promotes the 4 best students, from the 4 and 5 year old classes. These are the students who excelled in their school results throughout the year. For the 4 year old students the Scholarship is a single award (43£) which is converted in a Monthly Basic Basket and School Materials. For the 5 year old students, the award is a multi-annual scholarship (435£, with 87€ invested every year) up to the conclusion of primary education. This award not only includes a Basic Basket but also the opening of a savings account jointly with the children’s guardian, accessible only when the children are 18 years of age.
In Mozambique only 4% of children have access to pre-school education which perpetuates the poverty cycle. ALG wants to change this reality taking these children out of the streets and providing them with pre-school education and school meals in a safe and didactic environment.
Support ALG pre-schools – give a Great Help to Mozambique! Contact us for more details.
ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£! 
Donate here

Friday, December 12, 2014

Day 12. Bringing you community-changing heroes: Gil

Gil Mucavele’s story is one of many ALG is proud to tell. Growing in Xai-Xai, Gil was one of the first children supported by our organization. In 2010, revealing a strong determination and commitment, he asked ALG support to attend the Dentistry degree at the Dentistry University in Nampula. At first it was hard but Gil never gave up. Far from his home town and family, and struggling with several financial difficulties, he had to make a lot of sacrifices. They were all worth it, and Gil became a successful young man, concluding his Dentist degree in 2014 and his internship in November 2015.
Today he is a successful young man who is seen by the community as a “hero” and an example to follow. He returned home for a while and, during his time there, he contributed to improve the living conditions of the population with oral hygiene training and short consultations for the children in André’s pre-school. Always with a voluntary will, Gil is planning new oral hygiene sessions for 110 children during his Christmas holidays at André, Santa Catarina, and Flor da Infância pre-schools and in Chongoene neighbourhoods.
Gil is a gifted young man with several skills. In parallel to his degree, through which he’s planning to spread smiles, he’s also passionate for music. Lately he was invited to a TV show, with his band, and he even recorded an album.
The community and ALG are very proud of Gil. This is the success we wish for all our children. This is the difference we wish to make – to give children tools to enable them, in future, to break the cycle of poverty. We want to continue to have more stories like this, we want to contribute for more successful stories.
Gil is part of the 1% of Mozambican youngsters who manages to attend Higher Education. This year we still have to finance several scholarships such as Eduardo’s and, in 2015, we want to help Cinturão, both providing a tireless support to ALG’s intervention at the SLM pre-school.
From £1’200 per year, ALG finances university fees and part of the living costs for a small group of students with proven merit. Make your little gesture and be a part of this success story!
ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£! 
Donate here

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Day 11. Mom Bernardete’s farming plot is blooming!!

The ALG income generation programme promotes small scale and family activities, at the domestic or community level, which allow families to reach self-sufficiency and the development on the small scale industry, agriculture or local commerce in underprivileged communities.
With c. £22 invested per family ALG finances small family businesses such as the production and sale of soap and traditional fabrics, farming plots or the itinerant sale. The income generation initiatives in small family businesses improves the quality of life for families, boosting the community’s economy and breaking the local cycle of poverty.
An example of this is Mom Bernardete, she is 50 years old, and last year was helped by ALG to set up a Farming Plot business. A year later we are proud to share the success of her blooming business. With the profit mom Bernardete already rehabilitated her house, reinvested a part of it in her activity and also in her family meals.
In parallel to this activity Mom Bernardete is also a valuable help to the ALG Partner in the Chongoene Mission, Sister Aparecida. Mom Bernardete looks after children who live on their own supported by the UPG Portugal Sponsoring Programme.

Mom Bernardete gave us a small testimony... "First I would like to salute ALG, thank you for the Income Generation initiatives. In my farming plot I have no problems, I’m happy…I managed to collect 13, 50Kg bags of peanuts which I sold easily. Not to mention the cassava crop from the other farming plot which I’m still selling. Previously my production was not enough to reach such values, but now thanks to ALG support I already planted peanuts, and I’m only waiting for the rain and hopping for it to come out perfect."
Support the ALG Income Generation initiatives – give a Great Help to Mozambique! Contact us for more details.
ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£! Donate here

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

This Xmas, Clarência dreams of another year of food & education in her stockings!

Make your festive season extra special with your Little Gesture. Give children like Clarência a free daily lunch at school. With £5 monthly per child ALG guarantees a warm meal to the extremely poor children in SLM.

Donate here

Day 10. Júlio, our latest ALG Uni Scholarship

Júlio has been with ALG since his childhood. He is a good and dedicated student, and his dream was to continue his studies. Recently he was selected as one of the ALG Uni scholarship holders. This year he entered the Engineering and Mineral’s Processing University Degree in the Beira University.
"There are several reasons to be happy for Our Lord’s support: one of them is the fact of being able to continue my studies which would be very problematic without the Little Gesture which means so much to me. Since 2012 we’ve been holding hands with ALG. Today I’m away in Tete, far away from my family, attending the Mineral’s Processing Engineering Degree, but sacrifice has always been a familiar word and I am already getting used to the new accommodation and training.
There are still several children and youngsters who do not have opportunities like this! My major goal is to conclude this degree within the time limit established - 4 years.
A strong hug to all the team and to my sponsors in Cascais City Council! KHANIMAMBO, KHANIMAMBO, KHANIMAMBO. “

The ALG Scholarships offer young dedicated students, like Júlio, the opportunity of concluding their university studies. The ALG Uni Students are preferably students who previously benefited from the UPG Portugal Sponsoring Programme or youngsters from the local community engaged with ALG as technicians, teachers or volunteers, with proven merit and will to study. These youngsters are usually from Chongoene, Chokwé or Xai-Xai, areas to where they tend to return to after finishing their studies, with skills and a higher degree, to benefit the local community.
Between £830 and £1’320 per year, depending on the degree and location, ALG Scholarships’ finances living expenditures, securing mainly university tuitions, and enrolment fees. In 2014 ALG supported 12 dedicated and committed students to follow their dreams in the areas of Dentistry, Law, Business Management and Administration, Physics Teaching and Accounting. The ALG scholarships fulfil a dreams and changes lives forever.
Support your Uni Scholarship holder like Júlio amongst friends, in your company or individually – bring a Great Help to Mozambique! Contact us for more details.
ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£! Donate here

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Day 9. Regina, growing happy and healthy after the crisis!

After the floods of January 2013, in Mozambique, Regina’s house was selected to be rebuilt. The family hut where she lives with her parents, her brother and a cousin, was in severely bad shape. The family was living under inhumane conditions. ALG rebuilt not only the hut but also the latrine, providing them a dignified and healthy environment for her family to live in and to promote Regina’s development.
The funding for this family hut (at a cost of £779) was fully secured by the ALG Emergency Flood Fund, which relied on the noteworthy contribution of Cascais City Council (CCC), along with Xai-Xai City.
The Housing initiative gives children more than just a roof. Through the housing rehabilitation, the right to Nourishment and a Home is fulfilled as per the Universal Children’s Rights Declaration. A clean and proper a meal space, and the inclusion of a better latrine, enables a significant improvement in the health and hygiene conditions, sheltering the children from the weather conditions and promoting better daily hygiene habits. Finally, a dignified place to shelter children promotes their psycho-social development and feelings of protection, comfort and safety.
From £780 to fund a family hut, ALG secures the improvement of the living conditions of these families through the creation of a safe clean space, with basic health and hygiene conditions, which allow children to grow in a happy and healthy way. Our aim is to improve degraded family huts and to break the local poverty cycle.
Support the construction of and ALG family hut – give a Great Help to Mozambique! Contact us for more details.
ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£! Donate here

Monday, December 8, 2014

Day 8. Put your Knowledge into action for a good cause!

The ALG Tapas Quiz are evenings of great fun in Central London raising funds towards our projects in Mozambique - Edition I in December 2013 raised £864 and Edition II in June 2014 raised £2’000.  It is a great charitable night to test your knowledge, embrace your competitive spirit or just have a laugh… with prizes for the best teams!
This year both challenges were focused on the SLM School feeding programme.  In 2013, we started providing a daily meal to the 660 mostly orphaned children attending the impoverished but vibrant SLM school in Mozambique.  This daily meal is crucial to alleviate their hunger and incentivise them to study day after day.

Our bi-annual ALG Tapas Quiz nights put your knowledge into action for a good cause. Join us alone or with a group of friends on our upcoming winter edition or contact us if you would like to organise one near you!

ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£! Donate here

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day 7. ALG Challenges – Choose your own!

The ALG Challenges – Celebrate, Gourmet and Athlete for a Good Cause -  cover areas from marathons, bake sales or just charitable birthdays that with your effort, time and dedication raise funds on behalf of ALG.
Our lovely Cris went Bungee Jumping on behalf of our ALG pre-schools – and what a jump it was! This July she headed off to Tatton Park in Cheshire to bungee jump from a height of 300 ft (91.44 m). She was so brave she then collected £1’225 from friends & family to finance ALG Technical Courses, skills based education that seeks to promote future employability in our underprivileged children in Mozambique.
In Push-Ups for Xmas, a fantastic group of ALG friends at Barclays Capital launched a Xmas initiative that involved never ending daily push-up workouts in the office with the pleasure of contributing to the greater good through charity donations. With £1’694 raised towards orphan support at ALG it was definitely worth the sweat!
Do you want to organise a different ALG challenge of your own? We help you on bike tours, marathons, party celebrations or just plain bake sales, with a dedicated team and all the materials to make it a success. You will love the difference your Little Gesture will make in the lives of children on your own chosen ALG project. Contact us today!

ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£! Donate here