Basic items such as beans and flour were transported to the CRPE in small barges |
"My experience... Considering we arrived to the CRPE Orphan Centre and had to face a calamity situation our priorities and goals were changed. Because there was no power to extract water from the well our main concern was to solve this issue for the almost 6000 displaced people around us in Chinhacanine. So we started to work on the following:
1. Distribution of water from the well, possible with the use of generators made available by engineering company Opway, with operations in the vicinities. Control of schedules and amounts distributed.
The water well at the makeshift refugee camp in the CRPE |
2. Contact the head of the community to always have someone in charge near the generator and another person near the well (an almost impossible task) to avoid possible thefts.
3. Organize lists for the neediest, establish priorities to keep them in tents, which were also made available by Opway.
4. Medical support through first aid care and distribution of medication.
5. Distribution of milk to new-born babies.
6. Distribution of basic baskets to the elder and children, delivered in hand at the CRPE Orphan Centre.
7. Gather the needy and displaced people to have meals at the CRPE Orphan Centre.
8. Perform continuous “inspections” to the refugee camp to try to identify the more pressing needs and assess if besides the malaria outbreak there was a possibility for a cholera outbreak. Try to control the diseases to the maximum.
9. Organize with the help of the Médecins sans Frontières the location of latrines to control sanitation.
10. Assessment of the families of children that attend the CRPE, and also proceed to the distribution of basic baskets to the more needed ones.
11. Monitoring of the children who attend the CRPE, after the floods, who went back to normal functioning.
Sara M. travelled as a volunteer with our sister-charity UPG Portugal to Chokwe, Mozambique, days before the violent January floods that destroyed much of the Chokwe and Xai-Xai areas.
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