Thursday, June 23, 2016

Join us this June for the ALG Quiz Night #5

In advance of the well-deserved summer break, ALG is preparing the fifth edition of our fun-filled Quiz Night. What better way to celebrate the summer and the holiday season than gathering a group of friends and putting your knowledge to a good cause!

On Tuesday, the 12th July at 7pm (for a 7.30pm start) join us at the Italian restaurant Rosso Pomodoro Chelsea for a Quiz Night to raise funds for the SLM School Feeding programme in Mozambique.

Your participation in this event will finance the schools meals  of c. 800 kids, aged 7-18 years old. Each ticket costs £35 per person and includes:
  • £15 for a 3-course Italian dinner
  • £20 for a contribution to the SLM School Feeding programme (5 children eating a FULL month!)
Create your own winning team (up to 6 people including yourself) so you can take home one of our quiz prizes.
If you are by yourself or with a smaller group of friends, ALG will ensure you will be included in a great team.

Buy tickets for you and your friends NOW for a night of great fun where your “Little Gesture” will go a long way!

We look forward to seeing you there!
The ALG Team
Buy Your Ticket

July 2016



@ Rosso Pomodoro
Fulham Road

Cant be there? Make a donation!
A daily nutritious meal for 800 kids in the SLM School 

The ALG feeding programme alleviates hunger and brings poorer children to school, while promoting gender equality.

In Quiz Night #4, ALG raised funds to build a canteen in the SLM School where c. 800 very poor children, aged 7-18 years old, would have dignified conditions during lunchtime. Finishing touches are being made this week!

In this edition, ALG is raising funds to finance the SLM School feeding programme which secures a free daily meal that fights child hunger, incentivises education and reduces gender inequality.

With just £41 per year a child receives a daily nutritious hot meal, which sometimes is their only meal during the day. This program costs ALG £34’289 in 2016 on its fourth year running. Better-fed, healthier children have better academic performance and are less likely to drop-out of school. The last quiz raised £2'255 - will we beat this number together?

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