Sunday, February 22, 2015

ALG Quiz III raises £2'825 towards our Mozambique pre-schools!

The third edition of the ALG Quiz Night was held on the 25th of January in Rosso Pomodoro Chelsea in support of the ALG Pre-Schools for >150 children in Mozambique.

It was a brilliant and fun occasion gathering 63 friends of our charity for a night of cheerful competition, lovely Italian food and lots of charitable giving.
Under the brilliant Quiz Master Keane Yarish who volunteered to drive the competition, the efforts of Fabiola Bordino in putting the evening together and the hard work of volunteers Alex Simões, Luís de Castro and Mónica P. Pinto, the event raised £2'825 gross in a mix of entry tickets, raffles and straight donations.

Thanks to the generosity of our host venue Rosso Pomodoro and our sponsors who donated to the raffle awards - Ikeda Restaurant, Marysia SWIM, Barefoot Chic, Bodhi, Ana v., Bobstore, Mu Arts, E-Fit UK and I Do Massage - costs were kept at a low 33%, represented by basic food and bank transaction costs.

You helped raised an impressive net amount of £1'882 on the ALG Quiz III. At an average yearly cost of £85 per child, this will help ALG ensure 22 very poor young children receive daily school meals and lots of love&care in 2015. Thank You!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

My Xmas Pledge - a simple & special tale by our Chairman

Christmas is meant to be happy. Christmas is meant to be about the joy of celebrating life. 

Christmas is meant to be special. So this year, my husband Bernardo and me decided to make our usual London Xmas Celebration simple and special

This is what we told our friends...

"Here is how we will make it special: Each of the (grown up) attendees (or invitees) to the dinner is invited to make a £10 contribution, or whatever amount you wish >£10 to this project ( Even though I failed to rally enough support over the last 3 months to fund our first crowd funding campaign Silvestre’s Self Sustainability Project, I have not lost hope. Bernardo and me have been supporting Silvestre for 4 years now with a Uni Scholarship and we want to continue to do our best to give him the choice to break out of poverty.

Here is how you will make it simple: We will cook and prepare everything and just ask you to be there on time. If you wish you can bring wine or bubbly. No more. That should be simple enough. There will be plenty of food, crackers, perhaps a Christmassy CD and an outside heater if we feel space is too tight."

We had our lunch and our celebration between 16 friends with families away, before we went back to our families and celebrated with them. I am glad our friends joined our special celebration. Even though the project is not fully funded yet, I trust we can make it happen. 

TODAY, as February starts, we are asking Silvestre to get the project started. That will be the ultimate celebration!

Thank you,
Sara Vicente Barreto, ALG Chairman & Founder

Join us on this journey to create youth empowerment, drive community jobs and to break the local cycle of poverty. Reach out on