Sunday, August 17, 2014

Mama Bernardete’s Farming Plot is flourishing!!

The ALG Income Generation initiative promotes small scale and family activitiesat domestic and community levelwhich enable families self-sufficiency and the development of small scale industry, agriculture or local commercein impoverished communities.
With c. £21 invested per family ALfinances small family businesses such as the productionand sale of soap and capulanas (Traditional fabrics)farming plots or ambulant sales activities.The Income Generation activities for small scale family businesses improve the quality of livingfor familiesrenders the communitarian economy more dynamic and breaks the local cycle of poverty.

An example of this is our Mama Bernardete, with 50 years old, who last year was helped by ALG to organize her farming plot businessA year later we are proud to share with everybody the success of this flourishing business. With the profit mama Bernardete is obtaining she already renovated her house, she is reinvesting it in her business and taking care of her family nourishment.
Besides this activity Mama Bernardete also helps Sister Aparecida in the Chongoene’s Mission,looking after children who live by themselves, supported by UPG Portugal through its Sponsoring Programme.

Mama left us a little testimonial: "I leave my greetings to everyone at ALG and my sincere thank you for supporting our Income Generation. On my small farming project I am not facing any problems and feel satisfied.  On my peanut crop I was able to get 13 bags of 50kg of peanut that I was able to sell very well, on top of all the excess manioc left from the other vegetable plot and that I am still selling. Previously my production was at very low levels.. but now with [the support of ALG income generation] I have even been able to plant peanut crops, and I am only waiting for the rain for these to come out perfectly."

Support ALG’s Income Generation activities – give a Great Help to MozambiqueContact us for more details.

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