Thursday, September 27, 2018

Team work !

ALG is immensely proud to see our Local Technicians growing professionally and a strengthened team spirit is definitely the source of positive impact.
Mano Orcidio, our Local Technician in the dynamic SLM - St. Luisa Marillac school, welcomed Phycologist Ácio from Maputo for a 3-month stint at the school. As a team they grow side by side for the wellbeing of our children. For Orcidio who accumulates lots of different tasks on what is ALG´s single biggest programme - School Feeding, Sponsorship, HIV Centre, etc - Ácio´s extra pair of hands was an amazing gift!
“To be honest in the first day when Ácio arrived in Manjangue, I doubted about his professional abilities and skills. Fortunately, Ácio was a big surprise and turned to be much better than I was expecting. He is very hard working and he is a very creative and confident person.To work with children from a different community is not an easy task but he manages to work with all the children and everyone likes Mano Ácio.
It is very rare to find a young person with this kind of attitude. What he has learnt at the university he actually uses it and he constantly shows that what really matters to him is practical knowledge and not just the degree and the diploma.”
Orcidio Edú

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Success at ALG !

O Elisio Alexandre Muhale iniciou o seu percurso com a UPG em 2006 quando tinha apena 8 anos. Agora, já um jovem de 20 anos,  é um dos nossos casos de sucesso.
A UPG acompanhou orgulhosamente o crescimento do Elisio dando apoio escolar, alimentação e a construção de uma casa para a família em Chongoene, onde vive com os pais e os irmãos.
No ano passado terminou a 12ª Classe e este ano teve apoio para frequentar um curso técnico-profissional de Pintura de Construção Civil. Em Agosto o Elisio teve a graduação e foi um dos melhores alunos com média final de 17 valores!
Pelo seu excelente desempenho e história, foi agora premiado com uma bolsa oferecida pela delegada Provincial do INEFP ( MINISTÉRIO DO TRABALHO, EMPREGO E SEGURANÇA SOCIAL) para tirar outro curso - o de carpintaria! O Elisio já faz os seus biscates para poder ter a sua independencia.
A UPG acredita que ao continuarmos o nosso acompanhamento  dedicado a vários pontos da vida das crianças, muitos outros casos de sucesso e sustentabilidade irão fazer parte da familia UPG.
Boa sorte nesta nova fase Elisio! 

 2008                                    2012                                      2018

Thursday, September 13, 2018

A new member !

This week ALG welcomed a new staff member!  We are proud to introduce you Psychologist Ácio! A young man from Mozambique that after 1 month as a volunteer is now part of our official staff.  For the next 3 months Psychologist Ácio will be on board to continue his amazing work with our children from the Santa Luísa Marillac  Day Centre – a centre that provides healthcare, nutrition and education to children infected with HIV.

Monday, September 10, 2018

A new begining at Santa Catarina School !

The rebuilding work is finished and so this week we lounged the ALG Community Courses at Santa Catarina School!
In 4 months 15 Mamas will be talented seamstresses and pastry makers! They have started full of enthusiasm, energy and hard-work. 
This new project promotes local empowerment, self-sustainability and female emancipation.