Friday, December 14, 2018

Christmas Campaign - ALG has a sock hanging on the fireplace already!

This year our campaign is dedicated to the little ones that study at our Escolinha Flor da Infância 
Once upon a time, there was a 5-year-old girl named Rute Tamel. Rute used to live with her parents in Maputo but when she became orphaned from both parents she moved to her grandmother house in Xai-Xai. Rute’s grandmother takes care of her alone and as an elderly lady she cannot work to earn some income to feed Rute. In this situation, Rute would spend the days without eating ... But… Rute is lucky as she is studying at our Escolinha Flor da Infância School! She gets 2 hot and nutritious meals every day of the week.  Rute is know healthier , and stands out in her classroom for her dedication and aptitude. She’s one of the bests.
For being such a brilliant girl and for her story, Rute is know qualified to receive a scholarship which includes school material and food. This is how ALG makes sure that Rute keeps on having a happy childhood and a healthy school journey.

This Christmas, donate now to help us continue our work in the ALG Pre-schools. Did you know that with only £13 you are contributing to buy bread for the 75 children in EFI for 1 month? Or that with £47 you are buying bags of rice for the 59 children in SVP for 1 month? Or that with £65 you are paying the monthly salary of one of our dedicated teachers, teacher Olinda, in ESC? And without forgetting that with only £102 you are giving the chance to a child such as Rute to go to our EFI School and enjoy all its magic for a whole year!

Contribue to give to more children like Rute the hope for a better future (here)

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